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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog 4: Final Artist Statement

My final artist statement can be summed up by the word: Transformation. I will be attempting to use the tools of animation in Photoshop to portray the visual of change over time in an individual. By using animation and having moving frames, I can order different layers in a way that will create motion, and give the image more depth. To be honest, I’m not sure in what context this can be used. I am familiar with gif images, and seeing them used mostly to put up funny, low quality video clips online as a source of entertainment. However, this will be using Photoshop, which in itself is the very opposite of low quality. It’s sole purpose is to optimize images. The real challenge here will be balancing the quality of images, the amount of frames, and the size of the final file.

In my midterm project, I was told to find an artist, and to relate it back to my work. However, this time round my influences are a lot less specific. I will still be going in the direction of visuals juxtaposed with human bodies (Justin Maller), but still have a different style than Maller or my midterm. Another influence is film and flash animation. In middle school I would visit the website often. This website is unlike any other, in that it provides a solid fan base for those looking to gain exposure for their flash animations. Many of which would be lost without that website as a home (Seriously check it out. Here is one of the all time best animations on the site: Fallen Angel Part 1 and Brackenwood ). My last influence is this particular video by Robbie Cooper. I saw this awhile ago, and it’s always stuck with me. The way our faces look when we have no social pressures, when we are immersed and have no reason to try and look a certain way: Robbie Cooper's Video .

As previously stated, I will specifically be using animation as a new, challenging tool in Photoshop. I feel that this tool can have a great impact on the work, and create great depth. I have used animation programs before (gif mostly) and while they made the process easy, it provided no tools to manipulate the images I was using.

1 comment:

  1. I think animation is a great way to challenge yourself as you have seemed to have mastered everything else!! It will be a wonderful way for you to explore the world of animation and all of the tools that will go along with it. You always make wonderful pieces of artwork in the end!

    P.S. Great choice of the individual in your piece haha
