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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(8) Screaming Voice


My Big Idea is Voice.

At first, I was merely collecting images of people who were yelling or screaming in order to capture a specific yet powerful emotion. But then I began transforming the piece into something more meaningful. I noticed that most of my images were women, whether they were 8 years old or full grown adults. However, there weren't many male subjects, and it got me to thinking about how we as a society perceive women. How men keep their cool, and women break down.

Visually, I have multiple images of people screaming all surrounding two images that are different than the rest. The first is a small girl crying, seeming scared of something. The second is an adult woman who has a seductive look about her, as if to say "I know what I'm doing" even though what she's doing might not be what she had planned for when she was younger.

The significance to me is the misrepresentations and misunderstood nature of women who are looked down upon. As young girls, we imagine them being sweet, innocent, helpless beings. Yet as they grow older, they are seen in a different light. Whether it be jokes about how women belong in the kitchen, or mens' obsession with their roles in sex, these two views highly contrast with one another.

I chose this idea because I feel that as a man, I am victim to thinking this way without knowing it, and it scares me how easy it is to just forget about women as human beings and how easy it is to see them as objects.

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