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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(9) Big Ideas and Artmaking

I didn't fully understand what the relationship was between "Big Ideas" and "Themes", but the example of Robert Motherwell and his 100+ paintings on the theme of death helped clear things up for me. While over 100 paintings on one theme is a lot, it doesn't necessarily mean that this is his overall encompassing big idea as an artist. Motherwell's big idea "is the exploration of human emotions", death being only one fragment of that subject.

While I find the artistic attempts to make music into visual art, that doesn't mean it's my big ideas. My big idea is simply using meda (audio, video, etc) to convey a message or image. If I like a particular band and their message, I want to attempt to replicate that same message visually.

Unfortunately, this class is focused on still images, while I'd like to explore more into motion images such as gif (like the artist we saw in class today). But that combined with music is borderline music video projects, which can't be an educational class. However, I still want to explore this idea of visual sound.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Bram. The difference between Big Ideas and Themes was all very confusing to me until Motherwell's example, it definitely helped clear the air
