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Monday, February 7, 2011

(X) Blog Assignment #2

Step 1: Make a list of 3-5 synonyms of your big idea.


Step 2&3: Collect 6-8 images for each term. Put them into a photoshop document in clusters.

Step 4: Add 3-4 images to the document that you find through a second search with similar tags.


  1. I liked your Flickr assingment because when I frist though of your big idea and then saw a lot of music I didnt get quite get it, but then I appreciated your meaning behind it. You are doing what artists do and that is going beyond one meaning of the word and exploring different avenues of your big idea. Keep going with that and continue to think abstractly and keep asing yourself Why to certain things and I know you will have a great project!

  2. You did a great job on the flickr assignment. At first glance the picture with the hands and money under individual seems to not fit, but then I have to think more and remember that individual can have so many different meanings. All of the images are greatly related to each of their topics and some of them require thought, which is excellent. I believe most things artists do require much thought, at least on my part and congratulations, you are doing just that. Nice work. Cannot wait to see finished project.
